Season 3: Episode 19: Garibaldi investigates an area of Babylon 5 where a maintenance worker disappeared and finds a whole floor that was forgotten after construction, including its rather strange inhabitants. Meanwhile Delenn is about to take on the role of Ranger One, but Neroon swears to stop her.
The Grey 17 main story wasn’t all that but the sub plot of Delen’s appointment to Entilzha made this episode worth watching. From Marcus’ first appearance in “Matters of Honour” I liked him. His character seemed to be revealed to us with almost everything he said.
In this episode he portrays the sheer determination and strength of the Rangers as he fought with Naroon. From the time he uttered the words “We walk in the dark places no others may enter. We stand on a bridge and no one may pass. We live for the one, we die for the one”, I got the feeling I wouldn’t be seeing him again.
The charm of Marcus for me is his ability to find humour where people normally wouldn’t find humour. So I wasn’t surprised when he uttered those words to Naroon from his sick bed. Yes. Marcus saved this episode for me.
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