In this Xena episode entitled Blind Faith, A warrior Palaemon (Jeremy Callaghan) wants to make his name by killing Xena. He kidnaps Gabrielle and sells her to agents of a king…who, it seems, needs a queen. He meets up with Xena and tells her he has killed her Gabrielle. Naturally they fight but during the fight oil splashes into Xena’s eyes rendering her blind.
The blindness can only be cured by a special herb that can only be bought in Athens. Palaemon might be young and reckless but he does want to kill Xena in a fair fight but instead of going in search of the cure, Xena chains herself to Palaemon and insists he helps her to rescue Gabrielle.
This was a good episode. Even when blind, Xena still manages to save Gabrielle. The subtext for me was the fact that she put Gabrielle’s safety before finding the cure for her sight. Such love.
Disclaimer: Once again, Gabrielle’s luck with men was harmed during the production of this motion picture.
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