Claudette is settling into her apartment and enjoying her newfound freedom. She’s taking up photography again and wants a job so she can finally earn her own money. Jharrell offers to help her out.
In my review of 4400 episode one, Past is Prologue, I said I felt that Claudette had been abused by her husband and this Claudette centric episode proved me right. We learn what her life was like before she was taken and where that cut on her leg came from.
Exploring the past: Claudette’s story
Claudette’s husband Jimmy (Rob Demery) was the leader of a Civil Rights group that used passive resistance to make its points. After the Klan bombed a church, Claudette felt they could do more by fighting fire with fire. Many of the group agreed with her which made her husband angry.

Jimmy was very much a man who believed women should know their place and when he felt Claudette had stepped out of line, he would physically abuse her. When he realises that his wife’s divergent thinking is out of control, he decides to have her locked away for a few months to “get her straight”. The green light saved Claudette from the situation young Hayden found himself in.
Seeing Claudette’s past made me realise how being in the present has given her the confidence she wasn’t allowed before. In the second episode, All Things Are Possible, she was ready to lead the 4400 because she knew that in this time, no one would think it strange because women can be leaders now.
Having her own apartment and a job was just the start for her. From day one Claudette had said that nothing much has changed but learning that one of her friends from the past went on to be a leader in the Black Panther movement goes some way to show her that things have changed. As Mrs Grover told her “In today’s movement women’s voices are not only heard but followed. Not as much as they should be, but certainly more than in your time.”

Although racism and bigotry still exist, as a woman she is able to challenge it and get results without fear of being locked away in some sanatorium. When her co-worker shows his bigotry towards the 4400, Claudette is able to confront him with the help of her friends and resolve the situation. Did you notice how the 4400 turned up at the bar in the clothes they were wearing when they came to the future? Nice touch.
Shady contracts
After the Rev and Shanice decide to make the hotel a sanctuary, the government agrees to go along with it providing the 4400 sign a contract. When Shanice looks into them she learns that the contract is a trap laying the groundwork for the government to put people under conservatorship. Just like what happened to Brittany Spears, the returnees will be robbed of their rights, freedoms and financial decision making. How many will sign and how what will happen if the clause is triggered? I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough.
Everyone’s hooking up
Whilst Claudette was finding her place in the world she and Jharrell hooking up was not something I saw coming. I thought he admired her and wanted to help her, turns out he had been crushing on her and she was okay with that.

Keisha and Jessica have split up! Ding Dong! I was a bit disgusted that Jessica is completely onside with the government’s take on the 4400 and so glad that they have split up. This of course gave Soraya the chance to make moves on Keisha as she’s fancied her for some time.
4400 Superpower logs
As we saw briefly in the previous episode, Andre’s power to heal comes with a downside as he takes on the pain from the person he heals. The only way to remove the pain is to transfer it to someone else, which he accidentally does when he touches one of the hotel guards. Claudette’s power proves to be a balance for Andre’s as she can soak up his pain and heal herself. I have to wonder if the person who took the 4400, considered things like this when handing out powers.
Hard to say goodbye
I know LaDonna was feeling lonely, missing her dad and questioning her place with the 4400 but leaving without saying Goodbye was a bit abrupt. I thought she would have relished the drama of tearful goodbyes. Anyway, let’s hope she’s safe and it’s not another government trap.
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